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2021-04-14 19:00:00 |
Third day of precipitation; previous two days were had a total of .7" of precip. Snowed last nigh with a coating of snow on the ground this morning |
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2021-04-16 19:00:00 |
High of 57 degrees; partly cloudy day |
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2021-04-18 19:00:00 |
Temps here reached a high of 60 degrees by 3:00 but a cold front moved across the state from NW to SE late this afternoon. It was 59 degrees at 6:00 and 44 degrees by 7:00 with strong NW winds. Overnight lows are predicted (by USWS) to be 31 degrees. |
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2021-04-27 17:00:00 |
Overcast all day; rain was intermittent through the day. |
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2021-04-29 19:00:00 |
Partly cloudy and warm; 64 degrees at 4:00 pm |
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2021-04-30 19:40:00 |
Partly cloudy with a high of 65 degrees (NWS) |
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2021-05-01 18:00:00 |
Temp topped out at 84 degrees (NWS) |
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2021-05-02 20:00:00 |
Cloudy all day |
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2021-05-04 19:35:00 |
Partly cloudy all day. N-NW wind 10-15 mph (NWS). High of 58 degrees with avg. high of 67 degrees F. (NWS) |
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2021-05-08 23:30:00 |
High of 57 degrees; avg of 67 degrees. Very dry conditions |
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2021-05-09 20:50:00 |
High of 60 degrees (avg is 68 degrees) |
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2021-05-10 20:35:00 |
No precip for over two weeks. Soil very dry; nights near freezing. |
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2021-05-12 21:00:00 |
Another dry day; it’s been almost a month since we received more than a trace of precip. Soil is very dusty; grass not thriving; morel mushrooms non-existent. |
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2021-05-16 19:00:00 |
Trace of rain yesterday, otherwise, still no measurable precip since mid-April for this station. Conditions very dry. |
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2021-05-19 19:30:00 |
First measurable rain in weeks - RAINED LAST NIGHT AND THIS MORNING |
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2021-05-21 23:00:00 |
First measurable. Precip in almost a month. |
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2021-05-22 21:00:00 |
Partly sunny day; 87 degrees with 66 degree dew point (NWS) |
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2021-05-24 17:54:00 |
84 degree high |
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2021-05-25 19:20:00 |
11th straight day above average tens and dew points. Rain occurred on the evening of 5/24 into the early morning hours of 5/25 |
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2021-05-26 19:00:00 |
Below average temp (60) |
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2021-05-27 17:50:00 |
All day rain |
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2021-05-29 19:07:00 |
.21 fell yesterday, May 28 |
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2021-05-30 20:50:00 |
Mostly cloudy day. |
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2021-05-31 18:30:00 |
partly cloudy to sunny day with a high of 75 degrees. |
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2021-06-03 23:30:00 |
High temp of 86 degrees; unseasonably warm |
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2021-06-08 17:00:00 |
6th straight day over 90 degrees and no precipitation. |
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2021-06-10 20:21:00 |
Another day in the high 90s and no rain. It has been about 10 days now without precip and the 6th day over 90 degrees. Another one forecasted for tomorrow. |
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2021-06-13 18:00:00 |
92 degrees for a high temp |
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2021-06-15 18:00:00 |
Another dry, warm day |
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2021-06-19 16:45:00 |
Another dry day. USFS issued a Red Flag warning for the weekend. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for wide ranging precipitation. |
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2021-06-20 18:00:00 |
Rain! Finally after weeks of dry,hot weather! |
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2021-06-26 18:45:00 |
another week, still no rain |
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2021-06-30 17:20:00 |
83 degrees and lower dew points |
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2021-07-02 17:00:00 |
84 degrees; lower dew points (high 50s) |
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2021-07-04 20:30:00 |
Another 90 degree day. |
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2021-07-13 20:00:00 |
.54 inches felling about 45 minutes. First rain in weeks. |
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2021-07-28 21:00:00 |
Light rain in the morning but 97 degrees with dew points in the 70s all day. |
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2021-08-08 20:00:00 |
Rain last night and again this evening |
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2021-08-19 20:35:00 |
91 degrees for high temp |
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2021-08-21 19:00:00 |
Heavy thunderstorms moved through Minnesota through the evening but lost intensity as they reached the Twin Cities area; no storms, just light rain |
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2021-08-25 17:00:00 |
After and inch of rain yesterday, today was dry and warm. |
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2021-08-27 18:00:00 |
1.15" yesterday and much more today |
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2021-09-17 17:15:00 |
Strong winds but no damage here. Imparted to a few miles south in Lakeland, MN and Hudson, WI. |
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2021-10-12 18:00:00 |
Dry but cool day (61 degrees F)\nChanges are coming though! |
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2021-10-16 17:00:00 |
Dry but cool (60 degrees F) |
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2021-11-04 18:00:00 |
Bright, sunny day with above avg temp. 52 degrees |
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2021-11-09 18:00:00 |
Another beautiful fall day with a high in the 50’s. Maybe the last nice day for quite a while as we’re expecting rain/sleet later this week follows you high temps in the 30’s. November is here! |
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2021-11-11 17:00:00 |
Combined moisture from 6:30 p.m. last night through today at about 9:30 a.m. |
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2022-05-09 20:00:00 |
The rainfall was accompanied by pea-sized hail |
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2022-05-17 19:30:00 |
Rain predicted over the next 10 hours |